Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Unhirable Material

Working while dealing with a loved one who is sick is really difficult not just for them, but for you also.

When my husband first started getting ill, we had no idea what was causing it.  He was always such a hard worker, flexible, and liked by everyone.

The first sign that something was wrong was he suffered from his first heart attack, followed by a neurological condition known as Bell's Palsy...I have added a link below for your convenience.

Bell's Palsy

When he suffered from the heart attack I was about five years into my career in a bank; due to privacy reasons I will not say which one.  At first they seemed concerned and sent me home to take care of matters, but as his symptoms progressed they became more and more determined to push me out of the company all together.

I have discovered something very important, HR or Human Resources are not there for you, they are there for the company to help them follow procedures to the letter so that they can not be sued.

In my travels of career hunting I have come to the conclusion that even the people who consider themselves your friends who offer you a job usually only care about themselves.

If I could offer any advice at all, it would be to not work for friends it never ends well.

"You can not serve both God and money." Matt 6:24

So as you can see, I work for temp agency's not out of choice, but because I am not hire-able material. 

Working temp is not as bad as it is made out to be though, I have worked for some pretty awesome companies and even though I can't be part of the company, I am the first one they re-request when needed again. 

I also pick my hours, giving me more time to spend with my family which is the most important place as we are unsure of how much time my husband has left.

God put me here for a reason and even though I am unsure of his plan, I intend to look at my future straight on and stay as positive as I can...some days are harder than others, but we are all given difficult tasks and every day brings on whole new experiences.

I hope that my husband and I are teaching our children that even though daddy is sick, he still gets up, makes an effort to function and keeps a positive outlook on his circumstances.  For example, most fathers his age are working and tend to miss things, because of his illness, he was there for the birth of our youngest and has been able to watch her develop from infancy to age five without missing anything, and even though he is tired he still manages to make it to school concerts and functions.

He's a fighter, something that should have by all rights killed him by now,  has instead given him more determination to enjoy what time he does have left, while keeping positive even while death knocks at the door.

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